Welcome to the 2019 Gracie Barra World Summit! Don’t wait until last minute as this event sells out super fast.
The Gracie Barra World Summit
The I GB World Summit is a three day event hosted at the Del Mar Racetrack in the City of Del Mar, California, United States.
Every day is dedicated to the three pillars that have made Gracie Barra the largest and most successful Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu team in the world: GB Legacy, GB Jiu-Jitsu, and GB Competition Team.
As you can see below, these pillars guide the schedule of activities creating a life-changing learning experience designed to inspire, instruct and connect students (and their families), athletes, staff, instructors, school owners, and regional leaders from all over the world as one global Jiu-Jitsu community.
As of now, we know we will have a mix of training and legacy day both on Friday and Sunday, having our founder seminar and Belt Promotion on Sunday 10/6. Our 2nd GB North America Championship will take place on Saturday 10/5.
Multiple rooms allow focused activities to take place simultaneously giving you the opportunity to participate in live workshops, roundtables, speeches, practical group exercises addressing topics such as GB History, GB Philosophy, Jiu-Jitsu Entrepreneurship, GB Teaching Method, Leadership and the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Lifestyle, as well as training Jiu-Jitsu.
The second day will end with the GB Legacy Award Dinner where you will have a chance to dine with your Gracie Barra peers from all over the world. You will take part in a historical event where Black Belt Professors with 25 Years of GB will receive the Legacy Award in recognition for their contributions defending the Red Shield and bring
Some of the best and most recognized athletes and professors from our team will be joining forces in a “never seen before” series of Master Classes and Seminars bringing your Jiu-Jitsu game to a whole new level.
The Gracie Barra World Summit 2019 is founded on the Jiu-Jitsu for Everyone approach.
The setup will allow us to host Jiu-Jitsu Master Classes that meet specific learning needs and make sure the GBWS is attended by everyone from young children, teenagers, ladies, and beginners to high level students, black belt professors, and world champions.
The highlight of the last day will be a Historical GB Seminar with our founder, Master Carlos Gracie Jr, and our Belt Promotion.
The Tournament Day (Saturday, October 5th)
The second day of the Summit will be dedicated to the Gracie Barra Competition Team. The renowned EQUIPEGB involves not only GB Athletes defending the Red Shield in tournaments all over the world but also their professors, training partners and supporters who make their dream of becoming a champion of Gracie Barra possible.
The CompNet will be hosting the second Gracie Barra North American Championship giving you and GB students from all over the world an opportunity to compete in a safe, friendly and yet highly technical environment.
The morning and early afternoon of the Tournament Day will be dedicated to GB Kids ages 3-15.
The late afternoon will be dedicated to Juvenile, adult and masters divisions white to black belt.
The evening will be dedicated to the Gracie Barra North American Championship Pro Divisions. The winner of the Pro Divisions will receive a championship belt and an air ticket to compete at one of the major tournaments in the 2020 season. *Ticket prize subject to a minimum of 12 per bracket for Pro Division.
The Gracie Barra World Summit is a family event envisioned by Master Carlos Gracie Jr. to give an opportunity for our global community to meet at the same place to learn, train, get inspired and have fun. Make plans to join us at this epic event that is designed to be a hallmark in the history of Gracie Barra.
Please note the registration packages does not include Meals nor accommodation. You have many choices for accommodations from RV to 5 star resort to renting an Airbnb…don’t feel tied up to one place! We will also have various food trucks options throughout our event.
To make sure we are all coming together as one team, attendees will be asked to wear the GB 2019 Competition Team Red T-Shirt or Hoodie during our Business workshops and lectures , to train and compete with the GB Full Uniform (Gi and Rashguard).
For the most current information about the GB World Summit, please follow us on Instagram @gb72events.
If you’re interested in being a sponsor for the GB World Summit or know a company that might be, please email for information and rates.
Wishing you the best, we look forward to seeing you at the Summit.