Top 3 Jiu-Jitsu Class No-No’s

Most Jiu-Jitsu schools have a school rules list posted somewhere besides the mats. In Gracie Barra schools there is a poster explaining the standard safety and etiquette rules for all of the GB students.
The main purpose is to provide a safe and respectful training environment for everyone in the class
Jiu-Jitsu has its own culture and there are several unwritten rules that are every bit as important as the school rules posted on the walls. New students may not be 100% aware of these unwritten rules, so it is important to have a reminder from time to time.
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1 – What is the #1 jiu-jitsu student No-No of all? In fact, this is BY FAR the #1 complaint of Jiu-Jitsu students about their training partners: The “Stinky Gi student”.
This malodorous training partner most likely isn’t even aware that their training uniform (kimono or rash guard) has an unpleasing fragrance. As jiu-jitsu is such a close-quarters activity, the unfortunate training partner of the smelly gi is subjected to an assault on their olfactory senses for the entire class. It doesn’t take long to develop a bad reputation for being the stinky guy that no one wants to partner with.
In case that you can not detect the odor of your own training uniform, it is best to always come to class with a freshly laundered uniform. Your training partners will appreciate it!
2 – The illegal techniques guy. In any sport, we have rules of fair play and in BJJ we agree to which techniques are allowed and which are prohibited. By their nature, some techniques are considered more dangerous than others (ex. The scissors or kani basami takedown and jumping to closed guard).
Some students are so intense (and unaware of the prohibited techniques) that they will attempt one of these potentially injurious moves at full power in sparring. This increases the chance for injury as the unsuspecting training partner is unprepared to be placed in the situation and maybe caught off guard. In addition, you will earn a negative reputation among your training partners if you are not heedful of the rules.
3 – “Doesn’t want to tap” guy. No doubt you have encountered this type of student in the class. The student is so intent on “winning” the roll, that they are unwilling to tap when caught in a submission. Their training partner has secured a submission, is gradually but firmly applying pressure waiting for the tap, and suddenly a loud “Aarrrgghhhh!” fills the room, suddenly stopping all of the training.
No Jiu-Jitsu student wants to injure another, and usually, the ego is more injured than the body. But it is an entirely preventable occurrence. In addition to losing a valuable training partner, the student feels bad about having inadvertently hurting a training partner. On your first day in BJJ class, you will likely have been told: “Tap early and often.”
If you find yourself caught in a submission, don’t resist until you sustain an injury. Tap and reset for another try.
These are 3 things to avoid to be the best possible training partner.
See also: GB Technique: Straight Arm Bar Variations
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt