European 2017 – What a great start to the year!
Gracie Barra’s new year is off to a great start winning the European Championship.
Successful athletic performance generates a unique excitement across the Gracie Barra Schools and community, help strengthen bonds among the various arms of our organization, build students loyalty in a healthy manner, and give Gracie Barra members yet another reason to be proud to represent the legacy of Master Carlos Gracie Jr. and defend the red shield.
We would like to congratulate all of our athletes, instructors and friends. It was a great team effort! Now all of us are BJJ European Champions, after winning the Adult division with 49 points, and the Masters division with 270 points, in Lisbon, Portugal.
The next appointment for our competition team in the Pan American Championship, and you are invited to finish your preparations for the tournament at the Gracie Barra HQ with GB Athletes from around the world. To know more click here:
♫ Uh é Gracie Barra Aha Uhu ♫