2021 World Jiu-jitsu Champion Andressa Cintra

“…the best way to conquer your dreams is believing in it.”
Gracie Barra is very proud of all of the athletes who compete under the Red Shield.
Fresh off of her spectacular win in the Middleweight Black Belt division in the 2021 IBJJF World Championships, Gracie Barra blog talked with Prof. Andressa Cintra about her road to the championship. Prof. Andressa shares some insights on what it’s like to prepare for, compete and win Gold at the elite level in jiu-jitsu.
Prof. Andressa Cintra
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GB: Let’s begin by introducing you to GB Online’s readers. How did you get started training jiu-jitsu? What is your competition background? What is your Gracie Barra home school?
Prof. Andressa: I started training jiu-jítsu in Campo Mourão-Paraná-Brazil in another school in 2010, since I started, I compete in small tournaments and some big ones. The only GB school I have ever been part of is Gracie Barra Texas with Professor Vinicius Draculino and Lucas Valente.
GB: Congratulations on your victory in your weight class in the most recent IBJJF World Championships! Can you break down how your matches went for us?
Prof. Andressa: Thank you so much. It was a big day for me and for my team.
I had three matches, my first one I won but 8×0, my second one was by a foot lock and my finals was by advantages, really tough match!
GB: How does it feel to reach the peak of the mountain and win the World Championships at the black belt?
Prof. Andressa: I feel amazing, still trying to figure out how can I be so blessed to live the life of my dreams. I work really hard, not only on my training but on my diet and rest as well. I think the best way to conquer your dreams is to believe in them, and do everything that you can to achieve them.
GB: Can you tell us about your preparations for the tournament. What was your weekly training like? Physical conditioning, diet for your weight class, etc.
Prof. Andressa: My preparation was 2x jiu-jítsu per day (some days 3x), I study techniques with my partners Lucas and Jordan, we did 2x per week physical training and light cardio. My diet is pretty clean, I usually eat more Whole Foods, a lot of fruits and vegetables, protein, carbs, and a lot of fat. Also, Amafruits açaí and kickin kombucha at night make our life really special
GB: What obstacles did you have to overcome to win the title?
Prof. Andressa: I had an injury 2 weeks before the tournament and I did not know if I was going to be able to fight or not. I prayed a lot and trusted that God would do what was better for me. For those 2 weeks, I only did physical therapy at Bergeson chiropractic, light cardio at the sanctuary gym, and a few drills with my training partner Jordan.
GB: What advice can you share with young GB competitors?
Prof. Andressa: Everything that you desire, may not be easy to conquer, but if you believe you can and work as hard as you can, you can do it. Even whenever you are tired or lazy, set a goal plan, doesn’t matter the circumstances, follow it 100%, do everything in your power to get it. Don’t focus on other people’s lives, social media can cause you more damage than help you if you keep comparing your life with others. And of course, trust in God and His plans for you.
GB: Lastly, would you like to give a shout-out to any sponsors, coaches, training partners?
Prof. Andressa: I would like to thank my professors Vinicius Draculino, Lucas Valente, Jordan Vaisman, and all my teammates from Gracie Barra Texas.
Also my sponsors:
Fighters Choice, Kingz Kimonos, Kickin Kombucha, AmaFruits, The Sanctuary Gym, Bergeson Chiropractic, and Renato Troglo mental training.
See also on GB Blog: GB Inspiration: Prof. Flavio Almeida on overcoming struggles
Writer: Mark Mullen, Gracie Barra Black Belt