Eating well is Jiu-Jitsu: Banana, Orange and Pineapple Smoothie


Ever since “You are what you eat” became a popular phrase studies have been demonstrating on a daily basis the importance of proper nutrition and healthy dieting for the physical and mental well-being of a person as well as the influence these have on our performance.

What we eat can have a significant effect on our lives. Food is basic means for survival – we obtain the energy needed to carry out all physical and mental activities of our day-to-day tasks.

We are not here to try and convince you to go on any diet, but to simply offer healthy recipes and nutritional tips that may help you eat in a healthy, balanced and different manner. You will find that it is possible to eat well in a way that is both natural and savory. And to break all stereotypes we will show that it is possible to be efficient and prepare your meals quickly and easily.

A healthy diet is characterized by the use of 3 to 5 servings of fruit per day. The recipe today is for a Banana, Orange and Pineapple Smoothie – delicious and super healthy; ideal to have for breakfast or snack between meals.

Banana, Orange and Pineapple Smoothie


1 Sweet Orange Peeled

½ Banana

½ cup pineapple chopped/sliced

1 cup natural yoghurt

3 Ice Cubes


Add all ingredients and stir in a blender for 40 seconds or more. (Until it is fully homogeneous, but without losing the typical texture of a smoothie).

Nutritional Information

Calories: 200 Kcal.

Protein: 9.3g.

Carbohydrates: 43g.

Fat: 0.4 g.

These values may vary slightly according to the brand of the products used.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional guidance. The use of vitamins and dietary supplements can benefit a person, but we recommend consulting a nutritionist, doctor or other specialist for evaluation and monitoring prior to using any health enhancement products.

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