GB Compnet-13 Instructor's Update

Few things we are changing for the upcoming GB Tournament

Dear GB Instructors,

Hello everyone, we hope this year is off to a great start for all of you. We are getting very excited for our GB Compnet-13 coming up February 25 th in Irvine, California. There are a few things that we would like to inform you on:

*This year, there will only be 2 tournament t-shirts given to the instructors per 10 students competing. Anything less then 10 students competing and there will only be 1 tournament shirt given.

*Only 2 Instrructors will be allowed in the tournament area during the kids competition regardless of amount of kids competing. The distance between the barrier and the competition mats is near enough to coach from outside the barrier.

*Once the kids competition time is over, there will only be one instructor allowed inside the competition area. They will be issued a wrist band which will be given to them by the Compnet organizers

We understand that many of you have multiple competitors and sometimes competing at the same time. This is more so during the kids’ matches. We have strategically made it so coaches can coach from outside the barricade. 

We have made these changes based on the amount of complaints from people trying to watch the tournament last year. Please try to understand and help us to incorporate these requests. If you have any questions in regards to this, please e-mail us and we are happy to discuss with you your concerns or questions. You can contact us at 

Thank you,

GB Compnet Staff