Taking Care of your Mind is Jiu-Jitsu: JIU-JITSU WITHOUT PREJUDICE
“Are you crazy? What kind of grappling fight is this?”, “I do not get that close to another guy, man!”, “This thing is crazy.” Hearing these phrases from people who …
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Taking Care of your Mind is Jiu-Jitsu: What do soccer and jiu-jitsu have in common?
The Soccer World Cup is going on right now in the Brazilian territory, Brazilian team jerseys are everywhere, soccer is now a “full-time subject” and, as a national passion, it …
Taking Care of your Mind is Jiu-Jitsu: Winning is overcoming yourself, even when everything seems to be lost.
Who has never felt like life was being unfair? Everything seems to be going so well, then things change suddenly, from one moment to another, and you have no idea …
Gracie Barra Dojo Etiquette
Gracie Barra Training Etiquette Bow to Carlos Gracie Sr. when you enter the training area. Bow to Carlos Gracie Sr. when you exit the training area. Keep a …
The 2012 Dojo GB Training Etiquette
Here go the new Gracie Barra dojo-etiquette code for 2012, soon to be available to schools: 1. Bow to Carlos Gracie Senior the center of the mat when you enter …