3 Suggestions to Help You Break a Slump
Anyone who has trained bjj for a length of time has encountered the dreaded training slump. Even though you may be attending class regularly, your progress has ground to a halt. …
Overtrained? 5 Signs That You Are Overdoing It in Training
In our enthusiasm to train as hard as possible to improve our bjj, we can sometimes push ourselves too hard in our training. Instead of improving, we can get into …
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5 Tips to Staying Motivated in Jiu-Jitsu
The road to a black belt is long. It takes several years, and most people who start jiu-jitsu will honestly never make it to black belt. That’s not pessimistic, but …
5 Obstacles to Overcome in Your BJJ Training
In a perfect BJJ world, every training session would see new breakthroughs, energetic rolls where you submit every opponent and leave the mat without a scratch, already eager for the …
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BJJ Lifestyle: Off Season Activities
After drilling it out for weeks in the gym and trying to get back in shape and ready for the big show. Regardless what those are, you are still doing …