With our busy routines, it is normal to see people complaining of fatigue, sleepiness and headaches. Despite the extremely tight routine being the trend of contemporary societies, those who love jiu-jitsu – or any other sport, always make some time to train. At the end of the day, it is normal that the fatigue arrives and takes the individual to complete exhaustion. The busy body and worries show up right at bedtime, the most important moment of the day for a sportsman. After all, what is the importance of sleeping for the life of a gentle art-practicing person?

It may seem silly, but sleeping well can be the change that you need to improve your trainings. Regardless of being an athlete or student, sleeping is part of the training. How many hours of a good night’s sleep are necessary for a healthy life and good performance in practice? Although this is a dream for many, is sleeping the “whole day” the solution? Check out some valuable information about how many hours to sleep.


12hs – A study published in the “Sleep” magazine found that sleeping 12 hours increases the likelihood of obesity from 25% to 35%. That’s a nice tip: Anything in excess is bad.

10hrs – This amount will improve your muscular response speed by 8%, in addition to reflexes, according to research conducted by the Stanford University (USA).

8hrs – A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that the growth hormone (GH), responsible for repairing muscles, is released during sleep time. Therefore, the more you sleep the greater will be your GH dose. However, the average sleep time for a sportsman should range between 8 to 10 hours, and never exceed 12 daily hours.

6hrs – What’s the use of training hard and not having a good sleep time? If you train and do not sleep the enough, your muscles won’t receive the rest they need to grow. If you exercise daily, you have to sleep more than 6 hours.

4hrs – At this point, your resistance drops from 15 up to 40% and will not enable the necessary growth of your muscles, as concluded by a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. Besides, by the next day you will feel a strong tiredness and bad mood.

