Gracie Barra Opens in Grand Junction Colorado, Another Win!
GB Grand Junction Expands Jiu-Jitsu for Everyone Mission
Situated close to the heart of the United States, Gracie Barra Colorado in its infancy stage promises a add-on value to the city. The brain child of the trio includes Professor Fabio Costa, Coach Matt Busker of Gracie Barra Georgia, and Coach William “Bill” Tedrow. The new Gracie Barra franchise expands to a placed untouched by Gracie Barra’s “Jiu-Jitsu for Everyone” mission.

“Coach Matt trained over at GB Georgia since white belt, and when he was about to get his purple belt, he moved to Grand Junction to finish his mechanical engineering degree and was faced with the challenge of not having a GB school to train at. Being the GB Ambassador that he is, he approached me to instruct and guide him through his mission,” says Professor Fabio Costa, a 2nd degree blackbelt. Fabio is known to be one of the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructors. A little Google of his name results in great reviews from his long stint as head instructor in Gracie Barra Georgia.
Location played a great role in choosing Grand Junction. “We followed the basic principles of the pillars of a good business LOCATION. We are located in a very beautiful peaceful city, along the Colorado River” says school partner Matt Busker.

On a strategic note he adds, “We are lucky to be so close to New Mexico where we have Professors Roberto “Tussa” Alencar, Gustavo Camargo and Don Ortega. This will offer great partnership between the two States.”

On a candid note, Professor Fabio explains his secret to success: “Loyalty, without it nothing goes forward. We are lucky to have many loyal Students, Instructors, Staff and Professors among us. Master Carlos Gracie Jr. once asked me “Why are your students loyal to you?”, and than he answered ” Because you are loyal to them”. I believe that about my students and my team. And if you asked me why am I’m loyal to them, it’s because Master Carlos Gracie Jr is loyal to all of us. With Loyalty comes Trust and that’s the thing between me an Matt, we have ALWAYS trusted each other, and I support his decisions 100%.”
Plans for 2013
Professor Fabio shares his plans for 2013 by travelling to Colorado. “I plan to travel to Colorado often to assist Matt and Bill to connect with other GB leaders in the area and help expand the State of Colorado. We plan to convert 3 other BJJ Schools that are led by GB students to Premium Schools. If you currently have plans to open or convert a school in the State of Colorado please contact me and I’ll gladly assist you in your journey.”