Eating Well is Jiu-Jitsu: World Champion Rodrigo Fajardo's Menu
Rodrigo Fajardo is an outstanding athlete for his light heavyweight division since mid-2000, he has won several major titles, including the European, Brazilian and South American championships.
He is also the Director of the Gracie Barra Curitiba and Ponta Grossa schools; responsible for the Team Competition, which are featured in the backdrop State, National and World championships. He was Personal Defense Instructor of the Federal Police and has trained Jiu Jitsu fighters in the UFC and Pride championships.
Is the routine of an athlete easy? No. Is it difficult to maintain a healthy diet regime as one? No. One just needs to have the will power to say ‘yes’ to a healthy lifestyle and rely on help from friends and family. Rodrigo shares a few tips he picked up for a menu change with Herique Carpeta, a GracieBarra black belt. As all Gracie Barra athletes across the world know: Eating Well is healthy, eating well is Jiu-Jitsu.
Check out the following 5 meals that Rodrigo “Pimpolho” chose to share with the Gracie Barra family. And the best part of it? All the recipes are mouth-watering and easy to prepare.
1 cup of black coffee with no added sugar or sweetener
2 whole grain bread toasts with peanut butter without sugar sweetened with agave.
1 Banana.
Steamed rice
Salad with green lettuce, red lettuce, arugula, oats and raisins.
Two grilled chicken breasts.
A 3x Champion Pre-Workout Snack
A Protein Bar I just saw on the Gracie Barra’s blog!! I like them because I like to eat something light at the time of training. I snack on them before I begin with my routine and now that I’ve learned how to prepare them I no longer need to buy some.
A platter of seasonal fruit.
Baked salmon with soy sauce and rosemary.
Steamed broccoli, carrots and cauliflower stuffed with Roquefort.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional guidance. The use of vitamins and dietary supplements can benefit a person, but we recommend consulting a nutritionist, doctor or other specialist for evaluation and monitoring prior to using any health enhancement products.
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