Eating well is Jiu-Jitsu: Carbohydrates YES, please!

Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet


With the large amount of information we are able to find online, it’s never been easier to stay on top of what’s new and popular. When it comes to food, the trend today is to follow diets, where carbohydrates are excluded from the menu. Pictures of a salad, accompanied with some kind of white meat are quite popular.  And if it’s not chicken, it’s salmon.

Carbohydrates are the most common biomolecules in nature, composing of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

carboidratos-300x244The best diet is a diverse one, where you are able to eat a bit of everything. Everything? Most people will be anxious to find out if by ‘everything’ we mean all those mouth-watering temptations, such as candy, chips, pizza, hamburgers, and many others. Let’s take a look at what these foods have in common? Carbohydrates, also known as glucides. Generally unpopular amongst people obsessed with their health regime and unpopular as Instagram photos, carbs actually quite effective when battling bad mood!

So take a deep breath and relax – these kind of nutrients are essential for a balanced diet. this means you can eat it in reasonable amounts. Carbohydrates play an important role in the metabolism of the substances in the human body; they function as an energy fuel metabolic activator required for the functioning of the central nervous system as well as assisting in the expulsion of the toxins from the body. Eliminating them from the diet will result in the body using up its energy reserves. As it is clear from their name, these biomolecules are not the main source of energy for the body. But if you are an athlete you must be in a good relationship with carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are essentially bread, cereal, rice and pasta.

Fcarboidratos-1-300x273or athletes and physically active people these nutrients are extremely important. They become a main source of energy for the body as well as base for speed, endurance, concentration, recovery and better water balance. People avoiding foods containing carbohydrate, despite the loss of weight, feel tired, experience hormonal fluctuations, hair loss and digestive problems.

Below are the consequences of a carbs-free diet:

The loss of muscle mass  results in the decrease in basal metabolic rate ( BMR ), the minimum caloric value necessary to sustain life. This is due to the reduction of hormones that influence the metabolism; Increased enzyme that manufactures glicogenosintase muscle glycogen and increase the effectiveness of GT4 receptors of fat cells , fat receptors;

CHOLESTEROL: Diets high in saturated fats and little to no carbohydrates show an increase in LDL well above the healthy level;

KIDNEY, JOINTS AND UREA: the use of protein as main energy source leads to the formation of urea in excess, which overloads the kidneys and may lead to formation of kidney stones;

LIVER, FATS AND UREA: The liver is the organ in charge of all biochemical transformations necessary for the body to function, and when it is overloaded, the whole metabolism is affected and can accumulate fat;

CARBOHYDRATES AND BRAIN: The nervous system is the first to be affected in the absence of carbohydrates, which leads to irritability, insomnia and lack of concentration;

When the immune system is affected, muscles begins to supply amino acids for energy and lose resistance to infection

The best option for healthy eating is to consult a specialist and put together a diet according to your own biological needs.


This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional guidance. The use of vitamins and dietary supplements can benefit a person, but we recommend consulting a nutritionist, doctor or other specialist for evaluation and monitoring prior to using any health enhancement products.

Note: Illustrative pictures