Taking Care of your Mind is Jiu-Jitsu: Believing in yourself is the key to the success

How many times does nervousness come up right in the pre-competition stage? Numerous! Besides natural pressure experienced during a championship, and several other factors – psychological or not – lead you to wonder “Am I really ready?”


Days of hard training, dedication and persistence enabled you to reach the long-awaited day. The problem about those butterflies in the stomach, nervousness and heart beating stronger is exactly when these feelings get out of control. Many champions considered themselves defeated even before they fight.

trust-440224_1280Have the strong conviction that the world will be at your side while you keep yourself loyal to what is best in you.” Grandmaster Carlos Gracie Sr. 

The Great Master Carlos Gracie raised his warrior spirit throughout his life, on and off the mat. He learned that the gentle art has the power to convert psychologically failed people into strong individuals. The last of the 12 lessons left by the patriarch of the Gracie family basically consists in supporting those people who go through this: “Have the strong conviction that the world will be at your side while you keep yourself loyal to what is best in you.”

Warrior, imagine yourself giving your best, see in your mind the referee raising your arm. Believe in yourself!