Will you participate in the GB Conferences?
The Gracie Barra Association will host 2 regional conferences in the upcoming month of June. These conferences are the 3rd and 4th meetings from a series of 8 in total that will happen aorund the United States, Canada and São Paulo, Brazil. The Regional Conferences aim at providing local support and further the discusion about the JJ for Everyone Project at the regional level on some of the most important areas where Gracie Barra operates.
GB Conference Califórnia
With Master Carlos Gracie Jr. doing a presentation and Orange County being to the area of the world with the largest number of Gracie Barra school’s and the conference succeeding the 2012 Jiu Jitsu World Championships this event looks to be one of Gracie Barra’s biggest events of the year.
We are preparing the event for 100 people. Many Gracie Barra Leaders from all over the world will be in town for a major tournament and we expect to bring most of them to the GB Conference.
To register in the Orange County conference please click here.
GB Conference Brazil
The event will have two main parts: seminar and meeting. The seminar is open to all students of GB students but the meeting is for students with the rank of brown, black and all certified instructors.
There is a big exchange of information and support between the GB Association and GB Brazil making it possible for the Schools in borth countries to be operating on a very similar structure. Professors Carlos Liberi (GB Brazil director) , Marcio Feitosa and Flavio Almeida (GB Association directors) will teaching the seminar and doing the presentations.