GB star Braulio Estima wins ADCC supermatch

Once again proving himself to be one of the greatest Jiu-Jitsu competitors on the planet, GB Birmingham owner Braulio Estima was the standout at the prestigious ADCC competition held Sep 24 and 25 in Nottingham, England. Taking advantage of his proficient and dangerous guard, Braulio beat Ronaldo Jacare in the event’s supermatch and is now eligible to defend his title in the 2013 superfight. Congrats, Braulio!

Victor Estima Shines in Nottingham, too
GBCOMPNET’s motto is, “Organized like a team, fighting like a family,” and it couldn’t be more fitting in describing the way the Estima brothers at the last ADCC. Based in the region of the United Kingdom where the tournament was held, they had the support of the entire GB community, including their students and also their teacher, Professor Ze Radiola, and they didn’t let anyone down. Braulio was the supermatch champion and Victor had what was arguably one of the best matches of the event. Despite being a lightweight (he competed in the under-170lb division), the GB Nottingham and GB Midlands teacher beat under-219lb runner-up Joao Assis in the absolute division, displaying some impressive technique. Way to go, Victor!