Advanced Side Control Chokes
Note that most of these attacks are against an opponent with a strong defense in the bottom of side control. When the opponent’s arms are in a solid, defensive frame, it can be very difficult to find an opening to attack.
5 videos by GB instructors teach you some ideas on how to attack the choke.
Samurai Choke by Prof. Draculino
2 Lapel choke setups from side control
Finalizacao partindo cem kilos
North South Choke Setup
Lapel strangle from side control / Estrangulamento partindo dos cem quilos
See also on Gracie Barra : 6 Takedowns Demonstrated By Gracie Barra Instructors

Credits: Mark Mullen
Gracie Barra Black belt based in Saigon, Vietnam
Instagram: @bjjmarkmullen