First BJJ Class

First BJJ Class? No problem.

Congratulations, you’ve signed up for your first BJJ class, but what happens next?

When you arrive at Gracie Barra West, our dedicated Program Director will be waiting to welcome you at the front desk. After signing the waiver, they will give you a brief tour of the school and explain the program structure. You will then be introduced to our instructors, who will answer any questions you have.

After stepping onto the mat, one of our Coaches will be there to guide you through the warm-up.

Remember every student has started where you are and knows how difficult these new movements can be. You are entering a family and brotherhood at Gracie Barra West. Everyone is here to learn and grow together.

So, what are you waiting for? Come and try a free class today!


Call 719-651-3358 or click the link below to signup for your intro class.

Click below to learn about our dedicated instructors

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