First BJJ Class

Gracie Barra West Colorado Springs CO

First BJJ Class? No problem. Congratulations, you’ve signed up for your first BJJ class, but what happens next? When you arrive at Gracie Barra West, our dedicated Program Director will be waiting to welcome you at the front desk. After signing the waiver, they will give you a brief tour of the school and explain …

Week 14 Self Defense

Gracie Barra week 14 curriculum

Self Defense   Self Defense for Week 14, Coach Todd and Coach Val demonstrate a defense from a driving front choke. This is a common attack one might experience, especially in a bar or club setting. The attacker, Coach Todd, drives Coach Val backward while holding both hand against her throat. The first thing Coach …

Week 14 Koshi Guruma

Gracie Barra week 14 curriculum

Koshi Guruma This week in the Gracie Barra curriculum is Hip or Hand Throws and Side Mount. Coach Todd and Coach Val demonstrate Koshi Guruma into an arm in triangle. This takedown is a fundamental hip throw that originates from Kodenkan Judo. Coach Todd gets standard judo grips and starts moving Coach Val, also known …