Competition Prep

BJJ Competition

Competition season is here! From Veterans to first timers, everyone has a specific way they prepare themselves for a tournament. We asked our Coaches how they help prepare students for a Competition.

The average amount of time a student has to prepare is anywhere from 1-2 months. The first thing we will look at, is making weight. Most competitor will have to cut weight to stay in their division. Many of our students encourage the Keto lifestyle, a diet of high healthy fats and low carbs. Others stick to a diet consisting of lean meat and lots of healthy fruits and vegetables.

We understand how hard it can be to cut certain foods out, so making sure you have a positive support team behind you is crucial. Whether that is your family, teammates or Coaches.

Once you have nutrition planned out, the most important aspect is your physical training. Coach Val has stated that it is best to focus on your weakest and strongest skills. Meaning that if side control is a position you feel you struggle with then focus on drilling in that position. Same goes for your strengths, Coach Val is a guard player, so naturally she would work on sweeps and submissions from this position. Another aspect would be to up your cardio and strength training. Either do this by drilling longer and/or running at the gym, or additional form of cardio.

The last and possibly the most important way to prepare for a BJJ competition is mentally. One of Coach Val’s tricks is she envisions herself in the match, dominating her opponent using her guard game. Coach Val states that it is very important to focus on the moment and not previous competitions where the outcome was not in her favor. Being positive in the moment is a key to success.


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