Gracie Barra Ambassadors Arizona

Gracie Barra Ambassadors Program in Arizona

GB Ambassadors Worldwide training session in preparation for the 2018 Worlds


Gracie Barra Arizona, together with the GB schools and students in Arizona will implement the Gracie Barra Ambassador Program to support, value and grow our GB athletes to their full potential.

The GB Ambassadors Arizona Program will be officially launched in September of 2018 during the GB Regionals Arizona.

Our goal is to raise 25,000.00 to be invested on training staff, tournament registrations, training gear, and travel expenses to support GB Arizona Athletes on the season 2018.2019.


There are two purposes to the GB Ambassador Arizona Program.

Firstly, the goal of the GB Ambassador Arizona Program is to unite everyone behind Gracie Barra. It’s a method to boost everybody’s training, connect the Professors and students, build greater unity in the team, reinforce the values of Gracie Barra, develop a stronger presence in Arizona and strengthen the technical level of all our GB students through different events. For example, GB Training Days, GB Seminars and GB Special Private Training sessions. It strives to generate greater unity behind the GB Team.

Secondly, the aim of the GB Ambassador Arizona Program is to help fund our athletes to achieve their dreams at major competitions around the world.

Our goal is for as many members of the GB community to participate in the program as possible. By participating in our events throughout the year, the GB  Ambassador Arizona Program will grow and enable us to potentially expand in the years to come. 

While the GB Ambassador Arizona Program is directed at our athletes, other members of the GB community will see benefits as well. Not only will the level of training improve, but the GB community will witness a greater alignment in the values and philosophies that are encouraged by Gracie Barra, and therefore will enable the culture within GB to flourish and be nurtured to create a stronger, more successful and bigger team than ever before.

Here’s Professor Marcelo Rezende (GB Oceania Head Instructor and Ambassadors Program pioneer) sharing his thoughts about how the Ambassadors Program can unite the GB Team as a whole.

Why GB Ambassadors Arizona?

When the GB Ambassador Arizona Program was changed far away the GB Sponsorship Program, we were determined to use the word Ambassador. Rather than call them “sponsored athletes”, we wanted to use a term that embodied what they student was going to represent. We weren’t simply providing them with financial benefits in return for promotion.

We want those that participated in the GB Ambassador Arizona Program to represent the vision of Gracie Barra, as well as our core values. We want them to be students that members of the GB Community across the world could look at as outstanding GB citizens, who are focussed on developing themselves with integrity, and representing Gracie Barra to the best of their ability.

We define a GB Ambassador Arizona as someone who we as a community trust to carry our beloved Red Shield with pride. They have the obligation to leave a legacy and hold the Red Shield to a higher standard than when they began their journey as a GB Ambassador Arizona. We entrust them to keep our legacy alive. They have demonstrated a commitment to give back to our community that gave so much to them. They will pave the way for future generations. We recognise these individuals for their commitment, love, respect and continuous support to both members of Gracie Barra and the wider community. They honour our predecessors every day by being exemplary members of the GB family.

Jiu-Jitsu truly is for everyone with the GB Ambassador Program

Our aim is for as many members of the GB Arizona community to participate in the program as possible. There are many reasons why all members of the GB Arizona community should engage with the GB Ambassador Arizona  Program, including School Owners, Instructors and students!

GB Arizona School Owners and GB Arizona Instructors should aim to participate in the GB Ambassador Arizona Program in order to help their students develop along their Jiu-Jitsu journey. Their participation will not only help the GB athletes but will also see an improvement in technical skill of their students through GB Arizona’s events. Further, the Instructor’s participation will encourage their students to participate in GB Arizona’s events. By participating in the GB Ambassador Arizona Program, you will stay connected to Gracie Barra and lead by example. You can take advantage of the network and be involved in the planning process of the GB Ambassador Arizona Program and contribute to its success. The GB Ambassador Arizona Program ultimately assists in the marketability of all GB Arizona Schools.

GB Arizona Students will see an overall improvement in their Jiu-Jitsu. The technical skill will improve through the participation in the events throughout the year, but also the culture, values and philosophies of GB will become more evident as the GB Arizona community becomes stronger.

The GB Ambassador Arizona Program will provide the athletes with support from the GB community in their endeavor to achieve their dreams. The GB Arizona Ambassador Program provides a great opportunity for the entire GB community to strengthen and grow together, keeping the core values of Gracie Barra; Brotherhood, Integrity and Expansion.


Here’s a video of our Head Instructor and Regional Leader, Professor Flavio Almeida, sharing his thoughts about the GB Arizona Ambassadors Program and the upcoming events that will support the Program.

If you want to apply as an Ambassador, just click here.

If you want to sign up for the next GB Arizona Training Day, click here