12 Ways Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Can Improve Your Life: 4. A Sport for People of All Ages

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can improve the lives of people of all ages and can be an activity for the whole family to do together! The benefits offered by Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can apply to both kids and those that found the sport later in life. With this being said, the needs for kids and adults differ in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and that should be reflected in the structure of the classes and training.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an amazing sport for kids to join because the sport can improve and/or reinforce important life skills for childhood development. Examples of this would be working together with others, becoming confident and while also being humble, and respecting those around them.  With these good habits, kids have the proper tools to help them along their path to a more successful future. Another benefit kids receive from participating in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is having a safe and fun place to use up their energy! In a controlled and monitored environment, kids will be safe from negative influences that might otherwise get to them.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu improves the lives of adults because its a fun and safe way to get fit and learn self-defense without getting beat up every practice or experiencing the same boring workout every day. It is one of the top martial arts to join for adults because of the level of safety in training. Unlike the harsh impact of other martial arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a lower impact sport that doesn’t have to leave you with bruises at the end of every practice. It is also important you find an academy with an attentive and safe professor with good training partners because this lowers the risk of getting injured or hurt. It is important to note that there are different levels of training. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an amazing sport for people of all ages because of the level of customization you have in your training. For example, you could just do technical drills without sparring. This allows you to control the amount of physicality you put into your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu experience.