12 Ways Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Can Improve Your Life: 12. You’ll Have Fun

Here we are, our last article about one of the most important ways Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can improve your life! One of the most obvious reasons to join Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is because of how much fun it can be!  Jiu Jitsu can be one of the most fun activities in your life if you’re in the right academy with the right teammates and instructors. The head professor has a very important part in determining whether students have fun or not on the mats. The instructor not only sets the tone for the culture that takes place in the academy, but also how each teammate fits in with the group as a whole. For example, if the professor creates a competitive culture in the academy it is important that all students recognize this and determine if they fit. Those who enjoy a competitive atmosphere will have an intense, enjoyable practice. While those who are looking for a more laid back atmosphere will be able to find more enjoyment in an academy that has a similar vibe. Overall, the most important part of the head professor is to ensure everyone feels welcome and has an opportunity to be a part of the team. With a caring and knowledgeable professor, you’ll be able to learn in a safe and fun environment where you don’t have to worry about getting hurt.

Fun will always be had with teammates on and off the training mats. Good teammates are there to give you good sparring session followed up by helpful words of insight. If you become good enough friends on the mat its extremely common to hang out with those friends outside the academy leading to a greater a deeper friendship. At the base of every friendship made in the academy is a common love for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

I’d be lying if I said you’d never experience a bad day during your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu journey. Your path through Jiu Jitsu will have its ups and downs. In the end, as long as you train your hardest with a caring and well meaning team, you’ll end up having many more great days than bad. Often times the bad days are needed to provide perspective on your journey as a whole. Having a tough training day here and there makes you grateful for the many more good days you’ll have.