39615 Washington Street, Palm Desert, CA 92211 760.360.GBPD760.360.GBPD

(b)Erica Fabian Ramirez-Professor,

(b)Erica Fabian Ramirez-Professor

Professor Erica has been training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu since October 16, 2012, and is a Black Belt. She started her training at Gracie Barra Honolulu, HI before transferring to Gracie Barra Kapolei, HI to help build the new school there in 2015. She also moved to the Coachella Valley with Professor Elias, along with their son Lil Elias and daughter Erin on June 15, 2021. She is very passionate and excited about helping to develop our Kids and Adult Programs here at Gracie Barra Palm Desert. She was a huge contributor in helping with our amazing growth in Hawaii and is excited to be a part of another new school. Along with Coaching classes you can also catch her ladies in almost all adult classes training with you. See you on the mat!