1611 Highwoods Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27410 336.508.2922336.508.2922

Contact Us Today!

Contact us for more information regarding our free class offer or more information about Gracie Barra Greensboro NC.

School Location

1611 Highwoods Blvd
Greensboro, NC 27410

School Phone Number


School Hours of Operation

Please visit us at  http://www.gbgreensboro.com for our latest hours, schedule and news. 
Monday: 6-8am; 11:30am-2pm; 4:30-8:30pm 
Tuesday: 6-8am; 5:00-8:30pm
Wednesday: 11:30am-2pm; 4:30-8:30pm
Thursday: 6-8am; 11:30am-2pm; 5:00-8:30pm
Friday: 5:30-7pm
Saturday: 8:30am-1:30pm
Sunday: CLOSED 

Schedule Your Free Class Today!