Four Months!

Four months, have passed, and much has happened! Our ongoing concern has been obtaining our Final Occupancy. We are close! The owner of our property must meet one last county requirement before we can obtain our Final, but it is time we focus on growing the overall number of training partners. To reach the more families, we are planning our Grand Opening for Saturday,  February 1, 2025.

Grand Opening

Our Grand Opening event will begin at 10:00 with a seminar open to all GB members, all ages. Professors Jason and Kristian will lead members through some exciting drills, and our guest Professors from Leesburg and Ashburn will be in attendance! I am excited for our members to hit the mats with students from our other schools, while building a strong training network! The seminar will run until 10:50, and then we will break for TEAM photos and food, while returning for open mat until 12:00.

Pro Shop

We have been a bit ambitious. If you have stopped in , you may have noticed our pro-shop. Gracie Barra has a network of talented owners, program directors, and professors, who inspired us to add a robust lineup of pro gear to our school. More racks are going up this weekend, and everyone is invited to shop. We try to keep a variety of training gear, apparel, and team merchandise on hand, so if you are in the area, stop in and take a look! We would love your feedback.


Growing our school has taken patience and consistency in our efforts to support our members, adjust our schedule, and promote our programs. By nature, I am not patient. I am learning. I have been a jiu-jitsu mom since 2012, and hope to return to training soon. Our daughter, and the reason we started Gracie Barra, turns 16 this year. You will find Scarlett coaching our young members, and her younger sisters assisting the professors. This is truly a family endeavor!

In addition to our family, we have dedicated parents enrolled in ICP, and we look forward to celebrating their completion!  It is exciting to watch our team come together. On most evenings, you will find our young students hanging out while their parents train. It is fun to witness as they bond over games, coloring, or mastering the latest Rubic’s cube.  During open mat sessions the adults bond, roll, and encourage one another. The gym is filled with laughter, filled with amazing families who will represent the Red Shield for years to come.

If you are a GB member, bring your uniform and stop in, bring a friend.  of course, if you are exploring jiu-jitsu, or looking for a change, stop in for a free trial. Save the date for Saturday, February 1, 2025. Stop by at 10 AM and help us celebrate GB Fxbg, and roll with GB members from Northern VA!